Saturday, August 9, 2008

Show & Tell: Neurofeedback

Commercial for Neurofeedback at EEG Institute. (John is going to Centers For Success for the same thing)

Click HERE for an article in Science Today from Feb. 2008 regarding the link between Autism and Neurofeedback.

Although John does not use the video game controllers seen in this news story, the process is very similar. The technique was first developed for ADD/ADHD symptoms and recent studies show that brain self-regulation helps in all areas. This story is here is a little bit different than John's experience, but it is worth the watch to help understand the technology.

John is currently watching a movie on the top part of the screen to hold his attention (since he is so young) and on the bottom of the screen is the "visual" rewards represented in color patterns. As he hits the target brain activity determined, the visual colors get larger and as his brain strays away from the target, the color almost disappears. As he hits the target, he also hears an auditory beep. Together, the auditory beep and the visual feedback 'reward' the brain for hitting the brain activity target, training the brain to self-regulate. The tech told me that 70% of patients even fall asleep during the training because it is such a "workout" for the brain.

A 2006/2007 research study (Coben/Padolsky) of 37 autistic children concluded that there is an 89% success rate to improve Autistic Spectrum Disorder symptoms. In only 20 sessions, there was a 40% reduction in core ASD symptoms. (the study only followed children through 20 sessions)

Click HERE for an article in OC Register for an article on Neurofeedback and how it works.

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