Saturday, August 16, 2008

Setting the Goals: Casa Colina

Part of the Early Intervention program is to determine at what level John is at in each of the developmental areas and develop goals for him to achieve. His one-on-one time during Early Start at Casa Colina works on these goals, as well as reinforcement in the home and other areas in school. These goals were set in July after a few weeks of observation and testing. The Current Level for each category is where he was tested at to determine starting skills for goals. John is currently 33 months old.

Here are a list of John's goals through Casa Colina Early Start. Once he is evaluated through the START program new goals will be set. I am interested to see what level he will test at in each of these categories. You will see where he has made his progress and why I consider the early intervention a success. At the Regional Center testing, he was unable to do many of these goals or his attention was so poor, it was hard to tell if he could do them or not.

Gross Motor Goals
( current level was 26 months)

John will catch a large ball (25 month skill) -
  • if paying attention, he can do this, but really doesn't want or like to play catch
John will keep his feet on tricycle petals (27 month skill)
  • this last week he did this; usually he sits on it and then wants to walk away; this week he stayed on for an entire circle around the playground
John will run avoiding obstacles (27 month skill)
  • this is a goal set because he usually isn't paying attention and needs to be reminded to "watch where he is going"
John will take a few steps on a balance beam (28 month skill)
  • He did this the first time and has met this goal already;
John will jump a distance of 8-14 minches (30 month skill)
  • He bounces up and down, but does not jump forward or backward with both feet together

Fine Motor Goals
(current level was 21 month)

John will imitate a vertical stroke (21 month skill)
  • He will copy a horizontal stroke, but doing a vertical stroke is slowly developing
John will fold paper imitatively, not precisely (22 month old skill)
  • John is doing pretty well with this, but he'd rather crumble it in a ball
John will string 3 one-inch beads (24 month old skill)
  • John has met this goal already
John will snip with scissors (24 month old skill)
  • John can close, but has a problem opening the scissors
John will replace a precise picture in a puzzle board (28 month old skill)
  • John has met this goal, but needs more consistency
John will build a tower using 8 blocks (29.5 month skill)
  • Attention and staying focused on the task is a big deal here; he also presses too hardand the blocks fall
John will build a 3 block bridge using cubes (31 month skill)
  • John didn't understand the concept of this at first, but is starting to want to do it on his own

Receptive Language
(current level was 17 months)

John will attend to speaker when given 1-2 step directions with minimal prompts (22 months)
  • John usually needs to be re-directed and reminded what he is supposed to do
John will identify 2 objects from a group (18 months)
  • John has met this goal
John will begin to understand the use of action verbs using a preferred toy (19 months)
  • John has met this goal
John will participate with the therapist in 3-5 directed tasks for 3-5 min
  • John has a hard time staying focused
John will understand personal pronouns like "give it to me" or 'take to him" (20 months)
  • John has met this goal

Expressive Language
(current level was 17 months)
*** this is the biggest area of improvement as far as day-to-day life at home

John will use 2-3 word sentences (27 months)
  • John now says "ride in Grammy's car" "watch High School Musical" "I want playdough" pronunciation is poor and getting better, but he is using the words to make sentences and to show his wants/needs -- this area has come SOOO far
John will increase vocabulary on weekly basis (22 months)
  • This has been amazing to watch
John will initiate and use 7-10 words in class (16 months)
  • He was very verbal in class this week, meeting this goal and surpassing what was expected
John will imitate environmental sounds (19 months)
  • He is starting to use car and airplane sounds, etc.

Cognition Goals
(Current level was 21 months)

John will understand the concept of 2 (33 months)
  • This is a very difficult concept for John; he gets frustrated and doesn't really knowwhat he is supposed to do when asked for "2 of them"
John will demonstrate the use of common objects (26 months)
  • He has met this goal
John will give one of many -- the concept of 1 (27 months)
  • He sometimes can do this and sometimes cannot; depending on level of focus
John will match identical pictures (28 months)
  • He has met this goal
John will listen to simple stories from 3-5 minutes (28 months)
  • Working on increasing his attention
John will match 2 colors (28 months)
  • John has met this goal

(current level was 10 months)

John will value his property and say the word "mine" (27 month)
  • John doesn't use "mine"
John will participate in a cooperative ball game when facilitated by adult (13 month)
  • John protests when playing ball or catch
John will interact with peers using gestures (21 month)
  • John watches the other kids, but rarely interacts

Self Help Goals
(current level was 23 months)

John will dress himself with assistance (30 month)
  • John has met this goal
John will scoop food and feed himself with less spilling
  • we are working on this
John will remove his shoes with laces undone (21 month)
  • he has met this goal
John will drink from an open cup he holds with one hand (25 month)
  • he has met this goal
John will put his shoes on with assistance (25.5 month)
  • he has met this goal
John will wash and dry hands partially
  • he has met this goal

Pre-school readiness goals

John will initiate a game with another child
John will participate in a group of 3 for 5-10 minutes with minimum redirection
John will participate in a group of 9 for 5-10 minutes with minimum redirection
John will seek and maintain eye contact for 50% of his interactions

Sensory Goals

John will actively participate in a variety of sensory activities without adverse behaviors
John will tolerate heavy work such as pushing and pulling therapy balls
John will tolerate movement on a swing or scooter board
John will tolerate a variety of tactile experiences such as foam soap, play-dough, and thera-putty

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