Friday, November 14, 2008

Understanding Development

I think one of the most important things parents of developmentally delayed kids need to remember is that the brain, along with the child, still needs to go through each stage of development. A child will not "skip" a stage through early childhood development as new skills emerge. The child, as well as the brain, needs to learn through the "normal" phases of development, so as your child grows in his development, you'll see new behaviors emerge that he/she may have never shown. This isn't a regression and yet, that may be how it feels. It is something you should rejoice in because he/she has hit a new developmental milestone. I will stress that it oftentimes doesn't feel that way, and does make life a bit harder, but there are certain behaviors that are normal in early childhood development.

I have recently discovered what a "terrible two" really is. John may have just turned 3, but the terrible two's are here in full force. I may have thought they were here earlier, but they were only a glimpse of what was to come! These new tantrums include protesting when Bill or I do not oblige in the wants and needs that John communicates to us. These are different than the days of transitional tantrums or the even older days of inconsolable crying. These are tantrums that are a direct result of John not getting his way. They include yelling, running, throwing, kicking, and pulling hair. Discipline ends the tantrums. Discipline makes him mad, but discipline works with these tantrums.

As I said before, we as parents should rejoice in the fact that this normal developmental phase is here. Instead of pulling our own hair out, we should jump up and down that are child is developing. My prayer is that the phase doesn't last long and that God gives me the strength to keep my cool because sometimes I would like to run around the house, scream, throw myself on the floor, pull someone's hair, or even "ring their neck". There are times when I feel like I can't take it anymore, but the day ends and the next day begins. God won't give us what we can't handle. Our reaction to what we are given is what will make us strong or weak in our handling. But, we can handle it. But, we may have to constantly remind ourselves that we CAN handle it.

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